Stay Connected with Burton ISD -
Our district stays connected with you through various platforms—Remind, the Burton ISD app, Social Media, and our district website—to provide important updates via emails, texts, and callouts. Our text and phone alert systems automatically sync with our student information system, creating an account for each parent using the preferred email address and phone number provided.
We encourage you to log in to your Remind account, download our mobile app from your app store, follow us on socials, and update your notification preferences so you can receive updates in the way that works best for you. With the multiple options provided, you can enjoy a secure, modern, and efficient way to stay informed and connected with our school community.
Thank you for staying connected!
How is your student doing?
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Policies & Forms
Burton ISD School Board information is available for public viewing via Board Book. Click the button below to access meeting notices, agendas, and minutes.