Dear Panther Families,

     Cold and Flu season is approaching… A few reminders…

Please do NOT send your child to school if they have, or have had:

  1. Fever more than 100 degrees within the last 24 hours (must be fever free without medication)

  2. Vomiting (more than once) or diarrhea (3 or more loose stools) within the last 24 hours.

  3. Continuous coughing not relieved by medication.

Burton ISD does not allow ANY school personnel, (including the nurse), to give ANY medications without the proper forms signed by the parent AND the physician. This includes ALL over the counter medications, even cough drops! Forms may be obtained from the nurse.

Your assistance is appreciated in helping us reduce the spread of illness in our school. Please help us teach your children good health habits to protect them and others:

  1. Healthy foods and quality sleep are needed of course!

  2. Do not share eating utensils with others.

  3. Keep hydrated with healthy fluids (sodas & energy drinks don’t count).

  4. Sneeze or cough into your elbow or a clean tissue.


Students need to be picked up promptly when they become ill during school. Please make sure your contact information is current with the school.

                   Thank you for helping keep students and staff healthy! 

District Nurse

Anna Preuss LVN