The closing curtain this past Wednesday marks the start of intermission for Burton's Theater program. The Burton Theater Program put on "The Brother's Grimm Speculation" for the 2024 - 2025 Theater season. The play serves as, "a madcap ride through all 209 of the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale." The District 26AA One Act Play contests saw Burton's best performance in a decade as the Panthers secured a 2nd place rating and a bi-district qualifying berth.
With a cast and crew stacked with veterans, the Panthers left the contest with a host of awards in addition to their advancing spot:
Best Performer - Bailey Johnson (Jr.)
All-Star Cast - Avary Broussard (Sr.)
All-Star Cast - Rhett Livingston (Jr.)
All Star Cast - Dane Cleboski (So.)
Honorable Mention Cast - Rubi Rios (So.)
Honorable Mention Cast - Angie Nickerson (Jr.)
Honorable Mention Cast - Rosa Perez (So.)
The Bi - District contest will take place Wednesday, April 2nd, at Sabine Pass High School. Performance order is not set until the contest, but the first play is scheduled to start at 2:30 pm.