Burton ISD’s National Beta members are proudly celebrating their achievements at the Texas Beta State Convention. A special congratulations goes to Charli Majewski for being elected Texas State Elementary Beta President. Competing against more than 5,000 Beta members from across Texas, the following students earned top honors in their respective competitions:
Elementary Beta:
Elementary State President
Charli Majewski
Accessorized Design Elementary
Champion: Burton Elementary School - TX designed by Meredith Odom
Apparel Design Junior
4th Place: Burton Elementary School - TX designed by Brooklyn Randermann
Engineering Elementary
Champion: Burton Elementary School - TX Aaron Thaler, Mason Kalkhake, Meredith Odom, Rylan Draehn
Campaign Skit Elementary - State
Champion - Aaron Thaler, Mason Kalkhake, Meredith Odom, Rylan Draehn, Waylon Archibeque, Colin Purvis, Kynlee Belvin, Hennessey Gaskamp, Emily Wood, Paisley Meyer, Derek Dallmeyer, Asher Vogl, Wyatt Southard, Linley Goldberg, Sawyer Beckendorf, Levi Landriault, Ellie Archibeque, Evelyn Archibeque
Marketing & Communications Elementary
2nd Place: Burton Elementary School - TX Linley Goldberg, Kynlee Belvin, Paisley Meyer, Hennessey Gaskamp
Performing Arts Junior - Dancer
Champion: Burton Elementary School - TX Brooklyn Randermann
Quiz Bowl Elementary Finals
4th Place: Burton Elementary School - TX Derek Dallmeyer, Asher Vogl, Emily Wood, Wyatt Southard
Technology Elementary
4th Place: Burton Elementary School - TX
Three Dimensional Design Elementary
2nd Place: Burton Elementary School - TX
Three Dimensional Design Junior
3rd Place: Burton Elementary School - TX
Jewelry Elementary
5th Place: Linley Goldberg
Language Arts 4th Grade
Champion: Emily Wood
Language Arts 5th Grade
2nd Place: Ellie Archibeque
Poetry Elementary
2nd Place: Charli Majewski
Pottery Junior
3rd Place: Arabella Clay
Premier Performer Junior Dancer
Champion: Brooklyn Randermann
Quilling Elementary
2nd Place: Meredith Odom
Sculpture Junior
3rd Place: Cayd Wilkerson
Social Studies 6th Grade
2nd Place: Layton Meyer
Speech Elementary
4th Place: Evelyn Archibeque
Spelling 5th Grade
2nd Place: Meredith Odom
Spelling 6th Grade
2nd Place: Hayden Hernandez
US History 6th Grade
2nd Place: Luke Rouse
Woodworking Elementary
4th Place: Mason Kalkhake
Junior Beta:
Accessorized Design Junior
3rd Place: Easton Witt
Digitally Enhanced Photography Junior
Champion: Hank Majewski
Drawing Junior
4th Place: Kelsey Landriault
Hand Drawn Anime Junior
2nd Place: Liam Diehl
Math 8th Grade
2nd Place: Ayden Vogl
Pottery Junior
4th Place: Reese Spacek
Sculpture Junior
5th Place: Paisley Goldberg
Campaign Skit Junior - State
4th Place: Scout Rhodes
Senior Beta:
Biomedical Health Science 9th Grade
3rd Place: Zachary Purvis
Color Photography Division I
3rd Place: Maria Carbajal
Digitally Enhanced Photography Division I
4th Place: Rubi Rios
Drawing Division I
Champion: Kara Landriault
Onsite Drawing Division I
Champion: Kara Landriault
Psychology 9th Grade
4th Place: Sydney Fischer
National Beta State Convention allows students the opportunity to compete in various individual and team competitions and opportunities to run for several leadership positions. These victories at the state level provide an opportunity to compete at the national level. The Beta National Convention will be held at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando, Florida during Summer 2025.
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With more than 500,000 active members and 14,000 clubs nationally and internationally, National Beta has become the nation’s largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization. National Beta promotes the ideals of academic achievement, character, service, and leadership among elementary and secondary school students. National Elementary Beta includes grades 4-5, National Junior Beta includes grades 6-8 and National Senior Beta includes grades 9-12.
Visit betaclub.org for more information.