January 24, 2022

What a great time to be a Burton Panther!!!

It’s been a challenging few weeks since we have returned from the Christmas Break and I would like to express how very thankful we are to have the support of our school community. Our staff has gone above and beyond to help cover for colleagues who might have been out sick or who may have a family member that is not well. This COVID stuff is bad! We would encourage students, staff, parents, families, and the community to please take care of your personal wellness. We need everyone at your best and we are here to offer ongoing assistance with whatever you might need. Good health and a strong heart is a priority for our Burton Panthers. 

A note from Texas Education Agency Commissioner, Mike Morath:

"We have heard from many districts about the challenges they are facing with stressors on teachers, staff shortages, and student attendance. We know you all are looking for ways to address these challenges while doing the best for your students and staff. We appreciate the tremendous work and dedication of our teachers and district staff. We all know that teachers are the most important in-school factor for a student’s success in the classroom. We are considering every option we can to reduce the stresses they are experiencing during this unprecedented time. We appreciate all that you do to support the 5.2 million students in Texas."

We welcome you to visit one of the finest school districts in the state of Texas and thank you in advance for taking time to find out more about our schools, our professional staff, our exemplary students, and our excellent academic programs. Burton Schools are a perfect place to get an education that will prepare your child for a bright future. 

There is a tremendous amount of community support that goes into the success of our programs in Burton ISD. We appreciate everyone who helps make a positive impact on our schools. All of us working cooperatively make Burton ISD better together. Proud to be a BURTON PANTHER! 

Lots of great things going on this semester. Follow all of our activities on the Burton ISD website @ www.burtonisd.net, check out the Burton ISD app, and keep up with the latest happenings on the Burton ISD Facebook page. 

The pride of the Burton Panthers is embedded in all of us whether we are a student, an alumni, a community member, a staff member and employee, a parent, board member and/or a proud supporter and in many cases all of the above. We love our Panthers and like to think that the culture we are providing in educating our students is a reason why parents want their children to attend Burton ISD. We value our school district and always put students first. We are prepared to Dream Big, Sparkle More, and Shine Bright as the Future is Now for the Burton Panthers in 2022!!! Have a blessed week and GO BIG RED!