October 24, 2022
What a great time to be a Burton Panther!!!
Welcome to the Burton Independent School District weekly update. Bond Project information will be shared as it pertains to the planning and construction of our new facilities.
The deadline to accept Requests for Proposals for the bond project is quickly approaching. This process is open until Thursday, November 3rd by 2:00 p.m. A Pre-Bid Meeting and additional site visit was held this last week and well attended by potential project bidders. During this week anyone interested in the project who was not able to be present for the Pre-Bid meeting and previous site visits is welcome to make arrangements to schedule a time to tour the district facilities. Please contact the Project Manager Stad Tomlinson with DSA Inc. Construction Management @ (817) 645-8864.
Burton ISD is recognizing Red Ribbon week starting today with various planned activities. Panthers taking a stand against drugs!
The Burton Education Foundation is having their annual drive-thru meal November 9th. Don’t forget to get your tickets from students or contact a campus office. We appreciate that the Burton Education Foundation offers mini-grants to teachers for classroom instructional materials and provides scholarships to our students.
Check out the billboard on 290 celebrating our Accountability rating. Thanks to Citizens State Bank for allowing us to post our successes on their billboard.
Once again, our Yearbook staff has accomplished yet another level of success. So very proud of how these students provide a positive representation of our school district and receive acclaimed recognition. The 2022 Burton Panther Yearbook “Just More” can be viewed on the Walsworth 2022 Theme Gallery @ https://www.walsworthyearbooks.com/theme-gallery/.
Please feel free to come visit Burton Independent School District and thank you in advance for taking time to find out more about our schools, our professional staff, our exemplary students, and our excellent academic programs. Burton Schools are a perfect place to get an education that will prepare your child for a bright future.
There is a tremendous amount of community support that goes into the success of our programs in Burton ISD. We appreciate everyone who helps make a positive impact on our schools. All of us working cooperatively make Burton ISD better together. So very proud to be a BURTON PANTHER!
Lots of great things going on this school year. Follow all of our activities on the Burton ISD website @ www.burtonisd.net, check out the Burton ISD app, and keep up with the latest happenings on the Burton ISD Facebook page and other social media venues.
The pride of the Burton Panthers is embedded in all of us whether we are a student, an alumni, a community member, a staff member and employee, a parent, board member and/or a proud supporter and in many cases all of the above. We love our Panthers and like to think that the culture we are providing in educating our students is a reason why parents want their children to attend Burton ISD. We value our school district and always put students first. We are prepared for the 2022-2023 school year where Learning is Our Superpower as we are Building Our Future!!! Have a blessed day! GO BIG RED!