Basketball season has officially started and we would love your support! Orders are due by November 15th. You may turn them in to the office or one of the coaches. Thanks and GO PANTHERS!
REMINDER: Tomorrow is Election Day and the last chance to vote on the 2021 Bond Proposal. Polls are open 7AM to 7PM.
Pumpkin Bustin' Junior High Halloween Fun
BJH 8th Grade goes to the Houston Health Museum.
Happy Halloween. Don't be scared to vote this Election Day on Nov. 2! Polls are open 7AM to 7PM. Your voice matters.
Early voting has ended. But there is still one more chance to vote. Election day is Tuesday, November 2nd. You can vote from 7am-7pm. Let your voice be heard.
Today is the last day of early voting. You still have time to vote! Head to the polls and stay in line!
BISD has added 107 total students & 64 elementary students over
the last 5 years; a 21.7% increase. This bond creates more seats for all students. It includes new construction & upgrades for the HS, JH, athletics, fine arts & the kitchen/cafeteria which will impact every student
FAFSA Parent Night on November 4th!
Join us for a watch party to congratulate the Burton FFA Livestock Judging Team at the Burton Ag Shop at 5:00 pm, today, October 28, 2021! They competed at the National Convention & will be honored during a livestream.
There are still a few days left of early voting. Avoid the lines and head to BHS Auditorium. Find a time that works for you and let your voice be heard.
Dress up for this Friday!
The last bond passed by Burton ISD was 13 years ago, which funded the building of a new elementary school and gym, bus barn and the Ag Building.
Looking for some Halloween Fun? Try these options!
"The most significant Burton ISD bond projects will address:
🔒Safety and Security Updates
🏫 Burton High School Expansion
🎻 Fine Arts
🏈 Athletics
⚙️Junior High Expansion
🍴Cafeteria and Kitchen Renovation"
Nurse Anna teaching First Grade about having healthy Teeth and gums!
On October 16, the Burton Panther Band participated in the UIL Region 18/26 Marching Band Contest in Giddings. The band earned a 2nd division "excellent" rating.
Nurse Anna teaching First Grade about having healthy Teeth and gums!
Know before you go, get the facts on the 2021 Burton ISD Bond Proposals. Get all your bond questions answered...
Survivor Saturday
Saturday, November 13
9-1 p.m.
Bring your backpack & Charged Chromebook for a day of lessons, games, & prizes! Lunch will be served.